Electromagnetic interference (EMI) refers, in the context of CRINS-SINRC evaluation of proposed antenna systems, to the potential of the radio equipment attached to a new proposed antenna system to interfere with existing radiocommunications equipment such as monitoring and control systems for municipal infrastructure – potable water treatment facilities, wastewater management facilities, public works and public safety infrastructure.

ISEDC has established criteria to be used to evaluate and make decisions on whether a new tower may exceed the allowable signal strength such that it could impact other electronic equipment in the area. In cases whether the proposed tower would exceed these levels and there are complaints of interference, or concerns of impact on critical infrastructure, this information will be identified and forwarded to the proponent who may agree to reduce the output power of the facility, or to work with the owner of the equipment being impaired to provide protection from the interference through technical means such as EMI filters on power lines, etc.

The criteria for evaluating EMI is addressed in the ISEDC document EMCAB-2 — Criteria for Resolution of Immunity Complaints Involving Fundamental Emissions of Radiocommunications Transmitters.